Lincs Free Press letters - Tuesday, May 14, 2019
Thanks for your votes
A huge ‘thank you’ to 918 residents of Pinchbeck, Surfleet and West Pinchbeck who kindly entrusted me with their vote in the District Council Elections.
I am so grateful for their support and will do my best to serve them all fairly, honestly and enthusiastically over the next four years.
Coun Elizabeth Sneath
Pinchbeck and
Surfleet Ward
It’s third time lucky for me!
Dear Toller Ward residents,
I would genuinely, and sincerely like to thank each and every one of you voters who made the effort to vote, hopefully managing to dodge the showers!
Naturally, in particular, I would especially give thanks to voters who placed their cross next to my name on the voting slip.
As a candidate, when successful, the feeling of humility soon hits you, or indeed it should do. I believe that it is a serious responsibility placed on my shoulders by fellow residents, to represent what is important to local people, and to not partake in wasteful national tribal politics.
Politicians always put the party first, as most of us know. These elections were about local government.
As I made quite clear on my leaflet, I am not impressed with how Lincolnshires politicians have, for the past few decades, allowed all of Lincolnshires residents to suffer as a result of historical underfunding.
Together, we can seriously challenge this state of affairs, and I would invite anybody who feels the same to join me.
Jan Hansen
Toller Ward (South Kesteven District Council)
Pleased with the results
Firstly, thank you to all of those people who decided to stand as candidates in the district council elections regardless of party or political persuasion. We want to congratulate all of those candidates that were successful in their campaigns and were elected.
As a party we were pleased with the results, given mid-term elections are always difficult, even though having lost four good councillors it was a positive result. It is important we acknowledge the loss of those four excellent councillors in Dave Ashby, Laura Eldridge, Angela Harrison and Jan Whitbourn who, despite all their hard work and great efforts, were not re-elected back.
Additionally we need to thank those who stood but were not elected: Sally Beal, Geoff Donley, Andrew Halfhide, Vicky Hills, Trevor Hyde, Richard King, Zoe Lane, Nick Neilson, Ann Savage and Joshua Yarham. .
Our results locally were in good measure due to the dedication of our MP Sir John Hayes and his commitment to the candidates and his constituents.
We look forward to working hard for South Holland
Paul Redgate
Chairman, South Holland and The Deepings Conservative Association
Thanks for electing us
We would both like to thank the people of Sutton Bridge and Wingland for electing us as their district councillors again, for the next four years.
We will keep in touch with you with occasional newsletters, and always be available to take up matters for you, and to help point you in the right direction when you need help with anything.
It has been a privilege to represent you for the past four years and we promise to do our best for all in our community.
Michael Booth and Chris Brewis
Sutton Bridge and Wingland ward
Please change your mind
Letter sent to county and district councillors:
I wish to object to the current application process regarding the Spalding Western Relief Road, and urge you, in the strongest possible terms, not to go ahead with this poorly-conceived scheme.
There are several reasons for my objection, and I’ve briefly listed them below:
· Considering the huge impact on the area, people and environment of the scheme, any consultation with those affected has been minimal, and certainly at odds with the county council’s own Core Values and Behaviours Framework.
There has been a complete failure to provide adequate information, or meaningful and timely consultation, especially regarding the recent, amended plans for the northern section. Of the relatively small number of people who are currently aware of the plans, most of them only found out the details in the last month – virtually by accident. My estimate is that the vast majority of the population of Spalding and Pinchbeck still know little or nothing of the disastrous situation that is about to hit them.
· The very name of the scheme, “Relief Road”, is a complete contradiction. The only funded elements of the proposal are to build a northern section (with a dead-end), a southern section (with a dead-end), and thousands of houses over the next few years. It’s not a complete road because there’ll be no “middle” section to connect the two ends - as there’s no funding - so there won’t be any “relief” for at least 10 years, if at all, and even then it will only “relieve” the very problem it has itself created and worsened.
· The scheme has been put to us with no other options, alternatives, or logical justification. Presumably because the whole thing has been dictated by housing developers, who will be the only ones to profit from this scheme? Why are their wishes being put above everyone else’s needs?
· There has been a complete failure to consider the impact of a significant increase in traffic volume on Spalding Road, Pinchbeck Road, Enterprise Way and Wardentree Lane.
All traffic from the northern section will funnel through a new roundabout at Enterprise Way and will probably route through Pinchbeck in an effort to avoid an inevitable bottle neck at Morrisons roundabout on Wardentree Lane. The Spalding/Pinckbeck road area will be largely gridlocked. To repeat – what “relief” does this bring?
· With vastly more traffic (often at a standstill), there will of course be much more pollution in a residential area that already has the highest recorded levels of nitrogen dioxide air pollution. As well as air pollution there will also be additional light and noise nuisance both from traffic and the planned increased frequency of goods trains.
· Surely neither Spalding or Pinchbeck needs, and certainly don’t have the infrastructure or amenities for, 5,000 new homes – on top of the current developments for hundreds of new houses in the immediate vicinity.
The benefits of the developers are being put over the benefits to the community.
There are many additional concerns, including:
· The affects on wildlife and the environment, especially in the area of the northern section.
· The affects on safe access around the Vernatts Drain, Two Plank Bridge and Blue Gowt Lane.
· The unsuitability of the ground for the northern section, with wet ground and a gas main.
· The affects on residential amenity.
· The abandonment of the clear, greenfield, space between Spalding and Pinchbeck.
· The residents on Bourne Road, who were recently warned their houses could be bulldozed if the middle section ever goes ahead – talk about living with an axe over your head!
· Knock-on effects for the local economy – is it too far fetched to anticipate that getting into town could become such an unpleasant experience that people stop bothering and the town centre suffers?
The initial and main objections though, must surely be the simple fact that this “Relief Road” provides no “relief” at all but will, in fact, cause more chaos, traffic, pollution and misery for the area and populations of Spalding and Pinchbeck for at least 10 years.
It’s badly planned, badly funded, badly handled and badly named, ignores any considerations for, and damages to, the area, population and environment and the only beneficiaries will be the developers.
Please represent what’s best for your own people and reconsider this terrible decision.
David Turner