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News from Stamford, Rutland, Bourne and the Deepings, from 10, 25, 50, 100, 150 and 200 years ago

We’re once again off on our weekly stroll down memory lane looking at news from up to 200 years ago.

Our Mercury Memories is produced thanks to the support of the Stamford Mercury Archive Trust.

50 years ago: November 30, 1973 – Some of the guests at Honrose Ltd's staff Christmas party held at the Crown Hotel, Oakham, on Tuesday.
50 years ago: November 30, 1973 – Some of the guests at Honrose Ltd's staff Christmas party held at the Crown Hotel, Oakham, on Tuesday.

10 years ago

November 29, 2013

Stamford's MP is calling on council chiefs to bring in two-hours free parking to encourage people to shop in the town.

Nick Boles wants residents and traders to back his campaign and is setting up an online petition.

He says the ease of internet shopping and lack of free parking in Stamford is driving customers away.

He said: “The current car parking charges are not an enormous amount to pay but at a time when people's budgets are tight they compare them with parking in an out-of-town shopping centre or shopping online.

“It's more convenient and cheaper to do the latter.”

Mr Boles will officially launch a Free Parking Campaign on Saturday, December 7. He wants South Kesteven District Council to install exit barriers on all its Stamford car parks and introduce free parking for a maximum of two hours.

People parking longer would then have to pay.

Mr Boles hopes as many residents, business owners and employees as possible will sign an online petition supporting his campaign.

He added: “I have spoken to colleagues in Parliament. In towns where they have introduced reasonable periods of free parking it has had a really dramatic effect on the level of footfall.”

50 years ago: November 30, 1973 – Father Christmas engaged in the usual seasonal conversation at Oakham C E Primary School Christmas fair on Friday evening.
50 years ago: November 30, 1973 – Father Christmas engaged in the usual seasonal conversation at Oakham C E Primary School Christmas fair on Friday evening.

Campaigners have launched a last-ditch effort to try to save their council-run library from closure.

Residents of the Deepings came together in huge numbers to fight Lincolnshire County Council's plan to close Deepings Library as part of county-wide cuts.

More than 9,000 signatures were presents on a petition and several demonstrations were held during the 90-day public consultation.

But council officers ignored the strength of feeling and are recommending the library, which is open for 30 hours a week and has more than 2,000 active borrowers, should still close. It would be replaced by a mobile service which would every four weeks.

The proposals will be assessed by a scrutiny committee on Monday before the council's nine-member executive makes a final decision on Tuesday. Under the proposals, 32 libraries out of 47 across the county could close.

But Deeping St James county councillor Phil Dilks (Lab), who has led the fight to save the library, still hopes to change the executive's minds.

He appealed in particular to his Market Deeping colleague Coun Peter Robinson (Con), who sits on the executive.

Coun Dilks said: “Next Tuesday, Coun Robinson and the other eight Executive members have a final chance to put the needs of people before politics.

“I hope they will listen and vote against sacking our excellent librarians and replacing Deepings Library with a monthly visit from a mobile.”

We contacted Coun Robinson but he was unavailable to comment.

25 years ago: November 27, 1998 – Town crier Lewis Carlin and celebrity chef Brian Turner are joined by pupils from Stamford High School Junior School.
25 years ago: November 27, 1998 – Town crier Lewis Carlin and celebrity chef Brian Turner are joined by pupils from Stamford High School Junior School.

A community group has secured grant funding to repair a large town centre planter that is in danger of collapsing.

Stamford Urban Group came up with a plan to revamp the large brick fixture in High Street after noticing the structure was cracking and falling apart.

Their repair plan, which includes reinforced concrete and new lighting, is likely to cost about £8,000.

And after some dispute about who should pay for the work, Stamford Town Council decided on Tuesday to grant the money from a fund bequeathed by a former resident.

Chairman of Stamford Urban Group Don Lambert said: “We had a planter that was severely disintegrating that could end up as a health and safety hazard.”

“The plan involves cutting back the trees to make then safe before widening and reinforcing the planter.”

50 years ago: November 30, 1973 – There was a rush for the toy stall at Bourne St Peter's Hospital fair last week.
50 years ago: November 30, 1973 – There was a rush for the toy stall at Bourne St Peter's Hospital fair last week.

25 years ago

November 27, 1998

Castle Cement has been given permission to extend its trials of controversial Cemfuel at Ketton.

The Environment Agency has also approved trials of a new processed fuel made from paper, plastics and packaging material which are unsuitable for recycling.

The agency made its decision following an extended period of public consultation, which included a public meeting held in the village in March.

Peter del Strother, general manager at the Ketton works, said: “The introduction of processed fuels is an important development in our alternatives fuels programme as we are now able to recover energy from a wider range of materials which would otherwise be incinerated or buried in landfill sites.”

Under the variation notice issued by the Environment Agency up to 40 per cent of the fuel burnt in kiln seven can be the new processed fuel. Half of the fuel used in kiln eight can also be the new fuel. Also in kiln seven, up to half of the fuel burnt can be Cemfuel.

25 years ago: November 27, 1998 – Staff at the Hereward Practice, Bourne, on the tombola which helped to raise more than £700 for Children in Need.
25 years ago: November 27, 1998 – Staff at the Hereward Practice, Bourne, on the tombola which helped to raise more than £700 for Children in Need.

Quick thinking by an Oakham man meant a First World War veteran received a top military honour just five minutes before he died.

Royal British Legion County Field Officer Peter Lockett (56), of Forth Close, Oakham, was due to deliver France's top military honour, the Legion d' Honneur, to 101-year-old Herbert Tompkins, of Leicester.

But the presentation ceremony was cancelled when Mr Tompkins, who served in the Royal Artilliary and saw action in Ypres, was taken ill and rushed to Leicester Royal Infirmary.

Mr Lockett said: “I just raced into the city. But I had to get the medal from my Leicester office and I knew time was against me with traffic lights and speed restrictions.”

In desperation, he flashed his lights at a passing police car driven by Pc Tim Linley near Scraptoft, off the A47. Pc Linley agreed to act as an escort and with his police blue lights flashing they raced through every red light

“He was a good bloke – he really put his foot down. I grabbed the medal from my office.

The family were at his bedside.

“It was obvious Herbert was dying so I said a few words on behalf of the French Government.”

Five minutes later, Mr Tompkins died.

Mr Lockett added: I'm so glad I got there in time.

“Herbert was thrilled to hear about the medal. Like many veterans, he wanted to receive it in memory of the many millions who didn't come back.”

50 years ago: November 30, 1973 – Stamford publicans have just donated £700 to charity. Pictured are (back, from left): Mr Gordon Balderson, landlord of the Albion Tavern, Mr Reg Cox, secretary of Stamford, Rutland and District Licensed Victuallers' Association, Mr K. Holland, Divisional Officer P. W. Castle, Chief Superintendent C. Watkinson, Station Officer H. W. Binks and Mr Barry Brunning, landlord of the Reindeer Inn. Front: Mr W. Gibbs, landlord of the White Swan Inn, Stamford, Mrs Joan Holt, Mrs G. Sismore-Boyfield, Miss E. Hull and Mr Arthur Trimmer.
50 years ago: November 30, 1973 – Stamford publicans have just donated £700 to charity. Pictured are (back, from left): Mr Gordon Balderson, landlord of the Albion Tavern, Mr Reg Cox, secretary of Stamford, Rutland and District Licensed Victuallers' Association, Mr K. Holland, Divisional Officer P. W. Castle, Chief Superintendent C. Watkinson, Station Officer H. W. Binks and Mr Barry Brunning, landlord of the Reindeer Inn. Front: Mr W. Gibbs, landlord of the White Swan Inn, Stamford, Mrs Joan Holt, Mrs G. Sismore-Boyfield, Miss E. Hull and Mr Arthur Trimmer.

RAF Wittering is gearing up for an influx of hundreds of servicemen due to arrive from Germany next year.

Groundcrew and technical staff are expected to be posted to the base as the Ministry of Defence concentrates its entire Harrier GR7 force in the area.

Two squadrons currently based at RAF Laarbruch – due to close – will transfer to RAF Cottesmore, locating the entire Harrier force within just a few miles of Stamford.

Sq Ldr Gordon Bruce said: “We have been working towards this for the last two years and we expect things to go smoothly. Because of the increases on one hand and the moving of other units on the other we only expect to see about a 200 increase on our current strength of personnel to 1,400.”

Cottesmore's role as a joint Anglo/German/Italian training centre for Tornado pilots will come to an end in the summer as the Harriers start to arrive.

50 years ago: November 30, 1973 – Castle Bytham Women's Institute members Miss Carrie Sharpe (front right) and Mrs Jane Curtis (left) each planted a red may tree on the old Castle Inn site, watched by other members.
50 years ago: November 30, 1973 – Castle Bytham Women's Institute members Miss Carrie Sharpe (front right) and Mrs Jane Curtis (left) each planted a red may tree on the old Castle Inn site, watched by other members.

50 years ago

November 30, 1973

A new wall to cottages in North Street is making Stamford people hopping mad – and causing some red faces for its owner and tenants.

The wall, round the front of Broseley Cottages, is partly built of old Stamford stone, with a new addition in pale yellow brick.

Said Mrs M. Doyle, who lives at No 1, “People have stopped in the street and told me it is hideous – including visitors to the town.

“Some of them think we have put up the wall ourselves, and my mother, who owns the cottages, has been very upset about it.”

Mrs Doyle said that her mother, Mrs A. M. Gibbs of Elton Close, Stamford, had been told by Stamford Borough Council at first that the whole wall would be built of stone like the original pieces.

When it was built, about two months ago, they has told the family that it was Stamford stone brick.

“We don't like the wall at all and we are trying to get it pulled down and replaced,” said Mrs Doyle.

“Stamford is an old place and it does spoil the whole area.”

On Tuesday, the Borough Surveyor's department at the Town Hall refused to make any comment on the wall, as did the Mayor, Coun A. T. Brodie.

25 years ago: November 27, 1998 – Some of the primary school children from the Deepings who will be singing a variety of modern carols at Deepings Leisure Centre next weekend.
25 years ago: November 27, 1998 – Some of the primary school children from the Deepings who will be singing a variety of modern carols at Deepings Leisure Centre next weekend.

A new £268,000 old people's home is to be built in Stamford in the next few years to replace the present St George's Home.

The 40-50 place home will be built in the grounds of the present home in Ryhall Road, and is expected to cost £268,566.

Mr W. Crouch, director for social services in Kesteven said: “This scheme is included in the social services draft capital programme for 1974-77.

“We are hoping that the work will begin during 1974 or '75, but the government may put it back for another year. We know that it will be built.”

The present home was built around 1830 as a poor law institution.

Mr Crouch said: “I do not think this fact is a good thing to have in the background when there are old people involved.

“Old buildings are not really economic to run and they are also difficult to run from a staffing point of view.

“Now the government have introduced a definite policy to replace these old places with modern homes.

“The new home will be much lighter and easier to run, and will be purpose-built for an old people's home, unlike the old place. It will be easier to staff and to heat.”

The new home will be smaller than the present building which has 70 places.

25 years ago: November 27, 1998 – Residents at Tixover House Nursing and Residential Home were given a taste of France when they celebrated the arrival of the Beaujolais Nouveau. Back, from left: Owner Jill Ward and staff members Julie Dixon, Bernadette Moss, and Wendy Pulley sample the latest Beaujolais Nouveau with residents Maud Jones and Ron Phillips.
25 years ago: November 27, 1998 – Residents at Tixover House Nursing and Residential Home were given a taste of France when they celebrated the arrival of the Beaujolais Nouveau. Back, from left: Owner Jill Ward and staff members Julie Dixon, Bernadette Moss, and Wendy Pulley sample the latest Beaujolais Nouveau with residents Maud Jones and Ron Phillips.

Kesteven County Council have slapped a compulsory purchase order on a block of Stamford buildings which have been called “a disgrace to the town”.

The buildings, 7-12 Exeter Court and 26 St Peter's Street, have been left derelict for years with windows boarded up and overgrown grass outside.

Conservationists from Stamford Civic Society regularly criticise the buildings' dishevelled appearance.

And the County Council, fed up with seeing the buildings left disused, wants to carry out work to make then weather-proof – despite a new plan by the owners to convert the Exeter Court block into five homes.

The owners, Cadman (Developments) Ltd, of St Paul's Street, wrote to the council's planning department asking them not to go ahead with the compulsory purchase order.

100 years ago

November 30, 1923

School's Effort – A rummage sale was held at the Endowed Schools, Stamford, on Saturday, the chief aim of which was to provide a piano for the school. £15 16s. 10d. was taken, which, together with donations, will enable the school to purchase the piano and also subscribe to provide material for sports and the school library. Mr. J, H. W. Taylor, assisted by the school staff, organised the affair, and those at the stalls were: Mesdames Absolon, Hardwick, Simpson, Scholes, Boyfield, Arnold, Dobbs, Walker, H. Fisher, Sharpe, S. Frisby, Belton, and Gilbert and Mr. Noblett and Mr. Walker.

Ever-Amusing Cards – Over 100 took part in a successful whist competition at the Conservative Club on Thursday. Mr. W. D. Green acted as M.C.

Lecture – An interesting lecture was delivered at the Picturedrome, Stamford, on Monday afternoon by Mr. Wilfred Bond (Grantham) on Lincoln Cathedral, and a collection in aid of the fund for the repair of the historic Minster realised £5.

Lightning Billiards Handicap – In a flying handicap of games of 25 up, played at the Stamford Borough and District Club, on Monday evening, Mr. H. Brown (owing 2) defeated Mr. E. Hassan (receiving 8), the latter taking second prize.

Dancing “Buffaloes” - A dance organised by the local branch of the R.A.O.B, was attended by over 160 in the Assembly-rooms, Stamford, on Saturday. Harrison's orchestra provided music, and the M.C.'s were Messrs. H. Newbon and W. Meadwell. A guessing competition was won by Mr. Sanders. The proceeds were for the Poor Children's Outing Fund.

Christmas Meat – The existence of orders regulating the removal of cattle and the imposition of a 96 hours slaughtering limit upon fat stock, has caused considerable difficulty with regard to the Stamford Fat Stock Show, which is to take place on Dec. 10th, with the resultant impossibility of ensuring a supply of Christmas meat.

Members of the Butchers' Association and the Farmers' Union, after meeting at the offices of the Union in Stamford, instructed the secretary (Mr. W. E. Dodman) to communicate with headquarters of the Union with a view to obtaining some modification of the Order.

On Wednesday morning intimation was received that, following a deputation consisting of the Chairman and the Statistical Officer of the Union, to the Ministry, it appeared that that department was prepared to grant an extension of the killing time, although of much shorter duration than was requested, but as a result of strong pressure, there is now a probability that the period permitted between purchase and slaughter will be 10 days.

F.W. Bradley, Wisbech, attends Mr Prior's, Chemist, High-street, Stamford, Fridays, from 12.30 to 5.30 – Advt.

Invalid Port, 4s. per bottle. Specially selected for invalids and elderly people. Sample bottle, carriage paid. Paten & Co., Red Lion-square, Stamford, Long Causeway, Peterborough, and Branches – Advt.


Pension Office To Close – Owing to the decreased amount of work the Ministry of Pensions sub-office at Bourne will close on Friday.

Little Bytham

Ex-Service Men's Dinner – On Friday an excellent dinner was served to about forty ex-Service men at the Green Man inn, Mr. W. H. Mason presided. Various toasts were honoured, and a musical programme was contributed to by Messrs. C. Creasey, W. Staniland, Owens, Dennis, Harris, Brady and Johnson. Mr. Barnett presided at the piano.

150 years ago

November 28, 1873

Stamford Soup Kitchen – R. C. Neville, Esq., of Walcot Hall, with his usual liberality forwarded a subscription of £6 towards the funds of this institution for the coming season.

A requisition has been presented to the Mayor with a view of changing the day of holding Stamford market in Christmas week. Friday being a bank holiday and the day after Christmas, it is believed that if the market be held on the ordinary day there will be a very meagre attendance, and that if it be changed to the preceding Wednesday, the alteration will be more convenient for all parties, particularly the purchasers of provisions. The Mayor has convened a public meeting to consider the subject.

Mr Wilson, jeweller, All Saints'-street, Stamford, has for several days past exhibited in his window a very handsome array of gold and silver meadals and cups, which he supplied for the Rutland Agricultural Society, as prizes in the different competitions.

A boy from Duddington has been admitted to the Stamford Infirmary, suffering from a fractured leg caused by being thrown from the shafts of a cart on which he was riding.

Stamford Union – Eleven Guardians attended the Board meeting on Wednesday last, Mr. Close presiding. It was mentioned that scarlet fever is prevalent in many of the villages. With reference to a statement made last week that one of the medical officers refused to give a certificate when an applicant for relief is a member of a sick club, the Guardian for Greatford stated that no difficulty of the kind was experienced in the Bourn Union, where the relieving officer would give the applicant an order upon the medical officer, and the latter was then bound to issue a certificate.

An old lady named Allen, of Brazenose-lane, Stamford, was missed from her house on Tuesday evening, and on searching for her she was found by W. Holland in a privy, lying on the floor in a pool of blood, quite dead. She was taken into her house, and Mr. Eddowes, who had attended her for some time, was sent for. It was found that a varicose vein in one of the deceased's legs had burst, and she had bled to death.

Mr. Edward Murrell, landlord of the Roe Buck inn, Stamford, has filed a petition in liquidation, and the first meeting of the creditors will be held at the offices of Mr. Stapleton, solicitor, on the 15th December.

Billingboro' – Several gravestones in the churchyard at Billingboro' have recently been chipped by juveniles, who are allowed to roam therein on Sundays and indulge in the game called leap frog. Is there no one to put a stop to these freaks?

Bourn – On the 20th inst. three summonses were heard before the Magistrates for offences in connexion with the Gunpowder Plot proceedings, and each defendant was fined £1 and costs. On the evening of the same day an effigy, purporting to be a representation of the superintendent of police, headed by the drum and fife band, was drawn in a pony and cart through North-street, the Market-place, and South-street, and was afterwards burnt in a field at the north end of the town. The number of persons present was very large, and although there was a great deal of noise, we have not heard of any breach of the peace having been committed likely to call for magisterial interference.

200 years ago

November 28, 1823

We understand that Exton Park Races are improving in importance and respectability, and bid fair to equal any one day's races in the neighbourhood. Next year new stakes for thorough-bred horses are to be run for called the Cottesmore Stakes, in addition to the usual sport.

On Saturday last an inquest was held in this borough on the body of John Metcalf, an officer of excise, aged 39, who on the preceding evening put a period to his existence by cutting his throat with a razor, at the Whittington's Cat public-house, where he lodged. To effect his purpose with the greater precision, the unhappy man had placed two lighted candles with a looking-glass before him; in the agitation of the moment, however, the lights appear to have been useless, for the wound was inflicted so much towards the chin-bone, that not only was a large piece of flesh under the chin cut through, but the razor was thrust into his mouth. Surgical assistance was promptly obtained by the master of the house, Mr. Pearson, but was of no avail. It appeared that the deceased had been for some time much disturbed in his mind, and the Jury consequently returned a verdict of lunacy.

The collection at Barn-hill chapel, Stamford, on Sunday last on behalf of the Methodist Sunday-school in this town, amounted to £13 9s., besides a donation of £10 made privately to the treasurer.

Wm. Britton Dyson (formerly of Duddington, near this place), who was tried at the Old Bailey in September last, on a charge of drowning Eliza Anthony near Westminster Bridge, and whose case was reserved for the consideration of the Judges, has received his Majesty's pardon.

On Wednesday night the dwelling-house of Mr. Seaton, of Uffington, was entered by taking out a window, and robbed of a piece of beef, two tea-kettles, a brass pot, and a parcel of razors.

An informer travelling about the country has lodged information before the magistrates at Wisbech against twenty persons, for not having their names on their carts and waggons; it is therefore necessary to caution farmers and others to take care that their names, &c, are properly affixed to their vehicles.

The Wood Sales of Sir Mountague Cholmeley, Bart.

To be Sold by Auction,

By Mr Widdowson,

One Hundred and Twenty-three Lots of Capital Oak Trees, with the Poles and Underwood, marked and standing in Easton, Burton, and Corby Woods: viz.

Easton Wood Sale, containing 50 lots, will be holden, at the White Lion Inn in Colsterworth, on Wednesday the 10th day of December,1823.

The Burton Wood Sale containing 36 lots, and Corby Wood Sale containing 37 lots, (total 73,) will be holden, at the Public-house in Burton, on Thursday the 11th day of December,1823, being the following day.

Any further information respecting the particulars of the sales, may be had of Mr. Nidd, of Burton, or of Mr. Evans, of Easton.

Diner will be on the table at One o'clock on each of the said days, and the sales will begin immediately after.

Credit, on approved security, will be given until Martinmas, 1824.

Stamford Dorcas Charity

The Committee beg leave to inform the Subscribers, that the First Day's Sale is fixed for Thursday the 4th of December next, at Mrs. Allen's, near the Crown Inn, on which day the Committee with receive Tickets from A. to K. inclusive.

The Second Day's Sale will be on Thursday the 18th of December, when Tickets from L. to the end of the Alphabet will be received.

Hours of Sale from Eleven to One.

Stamford, Nov. 27, 1823.

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